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Averify shines the light on network discount ambiguity

Healthcare prices are in the dark. 

Averify indexes claims

making fair market comparisons possible.

 Provide your TPA the confidence it needs to compete in today’s environment with accurate and independent pricing data.

Better data. Better decisions.

Join us for our limited webinar series:

Healthcare Unlocked

Exploring how CAA provisions awakened long dormant ERISA requirements. Change is coming. Averify makes it work to your advantage.

We wrote the code to index prices, 

eliminating network discount ambiguity.

Averify enables plans to lower claim costs

without forcing disruption
on your company or your people. 

Glass Buildings

Employer Solutions

  • ​Independently measure current network performance

  • Pre-validate savings strategies through Averify’s savings filter

  • Optimize performance through Averify’s unique facility filter

Averify is neither a broker nor a point solution vendor. Instead, we turn raw data made available through the CAA to deliver precise actionable intelligence able to lower claim costs by up to 20%.

By avoiding unproductive disruption, your health plan can achieve cost-savings within any level of member engagement that best fits your company.

Business Meeting

TPA Solutions

Leveraging Customization

Employers buy from TPA’s because of their unique value. Averify’s claim index leverages that value by optimizing network performance, in ways that enhance growth, margins, and retention.  


Contact us

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Dallas Venture Partners

“Averify’s analytics platform channels claims data to evaluate healthcare purchasing strategies with a single variability measurement. 

Reducing variability saves money.”

Dr. Will Harrill,

Chairman, North Carolina ENT

"This is the first time someone has been able to show us exactly how to leverage our value as we position for change."

Contact us for more information.

Averify takes cost out of the healthcare ecosystem by removing the mystery of pricing at a plan level. Through its independent approach to facility navigation, transparency moves beyond the consumer level, to optimize network performance as it provides market insight into facility pricing, lowering facility claim costs to employer plans.

We do this through aggregation, analyses and filtering of healthcare facility market pricing, segmenting pricing into above and below market value using Averify's Variability Cost Index®, our proprietary fair market value benchmark.

Through Averify's online tools, decisions that lower costs are available on day one and at any time of year, regardless of enrollment cycles.

About Averify®

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